at a cock. gay
at a cock. gay
Are you sure this will help with my sore throat dr?
I’d like to ass you a few questions.
I would drive to see this flash
This may look like a sex scene in the rain but it is actually 100 men nutting on her from above
Life is short, enjoy the view while you are still alive
I think she is trying to tell me something
Message with selfie submission:
I am not the girl holding the phone. that is my friend.
Was my friend…
I like girls. she likes guys. I knew this.
One drunken night I confessed my love to her. The next day she had unfriended me on facebook and is ignoring my calls.
Major mistake.
For all you lesbians out there…
They will hate you for it.
End message.
My dream last night.
The latest dream technology allows you to take snapshots from dreams.
Soon they say they will be able to record videos from dreams.
This is my new girlfriend Christina and I will tell the world