The toilets name is Tammy.
Author: The Adult
complete viewing experience
Enjoy every angle of my cleavage
God damn interior
Another post about the inside of a car. BULLSHIT!
Clean car interior
Look how clean the inside of my car is.
Talking sex doll
The worlds first talking sex doll wouldn’t shut up
Lies attract flies
She has never seen the sun.
Distracted driving fine
This type of distracted driving is fine.
Very talented
There is no question why this woman is famous.
selfie story. Expensive selfies
Message with selfie submission:
My daughter has been begging me for a camera.
I buy her a dslr canon with lenses. $2500.00
I walk into her room one day while she is out and see her camera.
Decide to look at what she has taken pictures of.
Maybe over a thousand of them. Like this one.
I have failed as a father.
End message
Dirty cleaners
The dirtiest clean glass